breastfeeding your newborn

As a new mother, you may feel overwhelmed with questions about breastfeeding your newborn. How often should you nurse? Is your baby getting enough milk? What about weight gain and dirty diapers? Don’t worry! In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about breastfeeding in the early weeks.

What to Expect in the First Weeks

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, here is a summary of the main factors you need to be aware of while breastfeeding you baby in the first six weeks:

WeekNursing FrequencyBaby’s Milk IntakeWeight GainWet DiapersDirty DiapersBreast Changes
1st8-12 times per dayfrequent wet and dirty diapersBabies typically lose a little weight in the first few days after birth6 or more1 in the first day, 2 in the second day,3 or more the following daysBreast engorgement, tenderness
2-68-12 times per daywet and dirty diapers, weight gain, and overall satisfaction6 ounces/week6 or more3 or moreBreast tenderness, less engorgement

Positioning and Latching

Positioning and latching are two of the most critical components of effective breastfeeding. It is crucial to do this right in the first week, since it lays the foundation for effective nursing in the weeks and months to come.

Throughout the first week, you should try out several nursing positions to see which is most comfortable for you and your baby. The cradle hold, the football hold, and the side-lying posture are popular positions. Each position has its own benefits, and you and your baby may discover that one position works better than the others.

After locating a viable position, it is essential to concentrate on latching. Your infant should have his or her mouth wide open and consume as much areola as possible. This will guarantee that your infant gets a good mouthful of breast tissue and is able to successfully draw milk.

Do not hesitate to seek assistance from a lactation consultant or other breastfeeding specialist if you are experiencing problems with positioning or latching. They may give information and assistance to help you and your infant get used to nursing in the first few weeks. You may establish a strong nursing connection that will benefit you and your child for years to come with patience and perseverance.

Frequency of Feeding

During the first weeks of breastfeeding, it is essential to establish a regular feeding schedule. This involves feeding your baby often and for an adequate amount of time.

In the first week, your infant will usually want to breastfeed every 1 to 3 hours, or 8 to 12 times per day. It is essential to react quickly to your baby’s hunger signs and not allow them to go too long between feedings. This will assist build a healthy milk supply and ensure that your infant receives enough nutrition.

As your infant matures and becomes more adept at breastfeeding, they may begin nursing for shorter durations but more often. This is normal and may assist ensure that your milk production continues to fulfill the demands of your baby.

During the sixth week, your infant may be feeding every 2 to 3 hours, or 7 to 9 times per day. It is essential to remember that each infant is unique, and some may need nursing more often than others. Observe your baby’s hunger signs and react properly.

If you are uncertain as to whether your infant is eating enough, check for indicators such as six or more wet diapers each day and regular weight increase. Contact your healthcare physician or a lactation consultant for advice if you have any concerns.

Hunger Cues

Recognizing your baby’s hunger cues is an essential part of successful breastfeeding in the early weeks. By responding promptly to your baby’s cues, you can ensure that they get enough to eat and establish a good milk supply.

Some common hunger cues to watch for include:

  • Rooting: Your baby turns their head towards your breast and opens their mouth.
  • Sucking on hands or fingers: Your baby may suck on their hands or fingers as a way of self-soothing and preparing for a feeding.
  • Crying: Crying is a late hunger cue and should be avoided if possible by responding to earlier cues.

In the early weeks, it’s also important to watch for signs that your baby is getting enough to eat, such as steady weight gain, six or more wet diapers per day, and contentment after feedings. If you have concerns about your baby’s feeding or weight gain, don’t hesitate to contact your healthcare provider or a lactation consultant for guidance.

Breastfeeding Challenges

Breastfeeding can be challenging in the early weeks, and it’s important to know that you’re not alone. Many new mothers face challenges when it comes to breastfeeding, but there are resources and support available to help you overcome them.

Some common challenges include:

  • Sore nipples: It’s normal to experience some nipple tenderness in the first few days of breastfeeding, but if your nipples are cracked or bleeding, it may be a sign that your baby is not latching on correctly. A lactation consultant can help you with proper latching techniques and suggest ways to relieve nipple soreness.
  • Engorgement: Engorgement and itchiness are  common issues in the first few weeks of breastfeeding, as your body adjusts to your baby’s feeding schedule. It’s important to nurse frequently and to use warm compresses or gentle massage to relieve discomfort.
  • Mastitis: Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that can occur when milk ducts become blocked. Symptoms include fever, flu-like symptoms, and a painful, red, and swollen breast. If you suspect you have mastitis, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

A lactation consultant, your healthcare provider, or a breastfeeding support group can all provide guidance and resources to help you overcome any challenges you may face.

Pumping and Storing Milk

If you intend to return to work or must be away from your child for a long amount of time, pumping and storing breast milk helps ensure that your child continues to get the advantages of your milk.

During pumping, it is essential to:

  • Use a good breast pump: A high-quality breast pump may facilitate effective milk expression and milk supply maintenance.
  • Adhere to a pumping schedule: Maintaining a consistent pumping routine might aid in maintaining your milk supply and ensuring that your baby has adequate stored milk.
  • Keep milk safely: It is possible to keep breast milk in the refrigerator or freezer, but it is essential to adhere to proper storage rules to ensure that the milk stays healthy for your infant to ingest.
  • It is crucial to label breast milk with the date it was expressed when keeping it. This will assist guarantee that the oldest milk is consumed first.
  • Keep milk in minimal quantities: By storing milk in little quantities, you may minimize wastage and guarantee that your infant receives fresh milk at each meal.
  • Observe storage safety guidelines: In the refrigerator, breast milk may be kept for up to four days, and in the freezer for up to six months. It is essential to adhere to proper storage recommendations to ensure that your baby’s milk stays safe to swallow.
  • Formula should only be used if breast milk is unavailable or inadequate to satisfy your baby’s nutritional requirements. Breast milk is the recommended source of nourishment for infants. Contact a lactation consultant or your healthcare practitioner for advice if you have concerns about your milk supply or pumping.

Receiving Help

Breastfeeding may be a rewarding experience, but it is not always straightforward. It is essential to have a support system in place to assist you overcome any obstacles you may encounter.

Here are some methods to get assistance:

  • A lactation consultant is a qualified expert who can assist you with any breastfeeding problems you may be facing. They can also address any questions you may have about latching, posture, and pumping.
  • Your healthcare practitioner is also able to give breastfeeding advice and assistance. They may address any concerns you may have with your baby’s weight increase, your milk supply, or any other matter.
  • Group for breastfeeding support: Attending a breastfeeding support group might connect you with other moms who are experiencing similar challenges. You may give advice, ask concerns, and get encouragement from people who understand your situation.
  • Partner or close relative: Having a spouse or family member who is supportive may make a significant difference when it comes to nursing. They may provide emotional support, assist with home chores, and care for the infant while you rest or pump.

Remember that there is no “correct” way to breastfeed, and every woman and baby will have a unique experience. Do not be hesitant to seek assistance and direction to assist you in navigating any obstacles you may encounter. You may have a successful and enjoyable nursing experience with the proper assistance.


Breastfeeding may be physically and emotionally taxing. It is essential to prioritize self-care to ensure that your personal needs are met while caring for your infant.

Here are some self-care ideas for nursing mothers:

  • Staying hydrated is essential for sustaining your milk production and preserving hydration.
  • A balanced diet may give you the energy and nutrition you need to meet the demands of nursing.
  • Relax whenever you can: enough rest is essential for your physical and mental health. Try to relax when your baby is napping or request assistance with domestic chores.
  • Doing self-care activities will assist you in recharging and feeling revitalized. Try engaging in hobbies like skin care routines, having a bath, or dyeing your hair a new color.
  • Don’t be hesitant to ask for assistance or support when you need it. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or pressured, speak with your spouse, family members, or a healthcare professional.
  • Taking care of oneself is just as vital as caring for your child. Prioritizing self-care may help you preserve your physical and mental health, allowing you to offer your child with the best possible care.


Breastfeeding can be an amazing and rewarding experience for both you and your baby, but it can also come with its own set of challenges. Knowing what to expect in the early weeks and having a support system in place can help you navigate any difficulties you may encounter.

Remember to look for hunger cues, aim for frequent feedings, and seek out support from a lactation consultant or healthcare provider if needed. Don’t forget to take care of yourself as well, by staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, and practicing self-care activities.

With the right knowledge and support, you can have a successful and fulfilling breastfeeding experience. Trust yourself, trust your baby, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help when you need it.

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