Plasma helps support clotting, blood pressure, and cellular function. It contains electrolytes and proteins, making up the blood portion necessary for most functions. Plasma has always been demanding among patients, and every day, more than 6500 units of plasma are needed in the USA for transfusion. Considering the demand, it is tempting to donate plasma, but can you donate plasma while breastfeeding?

donate plasma while breastfeeding

A straightforward answer to this question is no. Your doctor or any other medical professional will not allow you to donate plasma while you are breastfeeding. They won’t even let you donate plasma even after you are done through the breastfeeding period. In emergencies, mothers can donate plasma two weeks after their breastfeeding period is over. However, before the first three months of weaning a baby, you are not allowed to donate plasma. The long answer contains complications that we’ll discuss in the article.

Are There Any Side Effects of Donating Plasma While Breastfeeding

There are no known side effects of donating plasma in breastfeeding, but paying attention to your child would be better. While you can donate plasma at such times, many health care professionals won’t recommend it. However, many women have done that to get extra money or help someone in need.

Donating plasma is different than donating blood, so don’t expect it to end quickly and have the same effects as blood donation. If you are sure to donate plasma, it is better to check its process and talk to your doctor. Donating might not be bad, but the donation process would not suit everyone. It can affect children’s and mothers’ health, so be assured of the donation method before proceeding.

So, now that it is a bit clear that doctors don’t recommend donating plasma during breastfeeding, you can still do it; here are a couple of things you must keep in mind.

  • Ensure that your baby and your health are good before donating plasma.
  • Eat healthy and nutrient-filled food to keep your body full of energy.
  • Make sure your baby is at least six months old, and then take a break of two more weeks before donating plasma.

You’ll just have to wait for the first six months. The reason is that your baby can eat other stuff to get the same nutrients they usually get from breastmilk. As long as your kid relies on breastmilk only, you should not donate plasma.

You might feel some itching on the needle site after donating plasma or some soreness. Besides these problems, there is nothing serious to worry about.

Why You Might Consider Donating Plasma

Okay, the first thing you should keep in mind is not to donate plasma unless there is an emergency. Under normal circumstances, it might not be an issue, but during breastfeeding, it might cause some problems in your body. It can help save someone’s life, and you can make some money, so donating plasma benefits both parties. As long as you adhere to the above factors, things will remain in peace and balance. Moreover, after donating plasma, it is better to change your diet and bring back plasma levels as fast as possible.

When You Should Not Consider Donating Plasma

You can donate plasma while breastfeeding; however, it depends on your health. If you are sick or feeling tired or showing any other symptoms of illness, it is better to wait until those symptoms are gone before donating plasma.

Donating plasma is a bad option if you have had any injury recently and are still in recovery mode. This also goes towards pregnancy; you’ll have to wait for at least six months before your body is ready to donate plasma.

One thing that most people don’t mention is your mental health. If you are depressed, anxious, or feel down most of the time, donating plasma is not for you.

Here Is How Plasma Donation Works

If you haven’t donated plasma before, there is no need to worry. The entire process is simple, and all you need is to have someone with you. You can choose a donation center and make an appointment with them. Make sure to reach there before the appointed time so a nurse can attend to you quickly.

The first step is the screening process, where they’ll check your health and see if you are well enough for plasma donation or not. After the screening and you get positive results for plasma donation, they’ll take you to a room, put you on a reclining chair and insert a needle in each arm. One needle will draw blood, and the other needle will push back the red blood cells. This entire process can take an hour, including screening, collection, and refreshment.

What to Eat After Plasma Donation

A healthy diet is always recommended to mama; after plasma donation, you really need to take care of your diet. A healthy diet will prevent dizziness and fainting while donating and after donating. It is best to eat a diet high in protein and iron and drink plenty of water. On average, you should drink six to eight cups of water daily. Don’t even think about getting close to coffee and alcohol as long as you are breastfeeding your child.

Must Eat:

  • Grilled chicken or fish
  • Tofu
  • Legumes
  • Nuts, seeds, and whole grains
  • Broccoli and dark leafy greens
  • Watermelon

Must Not Eat:

  • French fries and other fried foods
  • Sweets
  • Pizza

Should I Breastfeed Right After I Donate Plasma?

This depends on how your health was before your donated plasma. If you keep your health on the spot before the donation, you can start breastfeeding the same day you donate plasma. If you experience any side effects, it is better to rest that day and start breastfeeding the next day.

Final Words

Can you donate plasma while breastfeeding? There is no solid answer to this; some doctors suggest you shouldn’t, while most women have done it many times. If you are healthy and feel no issues in your postpartum period, you can donate plasma once you breastfeed your baby for six months.

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