Take Chlorophyll While Breastfeeding

Chlorophyll helps plants retain their authentic color and helps them create food through photosynthesis. For humans, it helps boost red blood cells, help with weight loss, heals damaged skin, neutralizes toxins, cuts inflammation, and prevents cancer. However, most of these benefits have no proper scientific research to back them. Otherwise, people would get better just by eating vegetables. So, the big question is, can you take chlorophyll while breastfeeding? How will it affect your body? Let’s find out.

Simply put, you can take chlorophyll while breastfeeding, but it would be a waste of money. Unless your doctor prescribes you to take it, chlorophyll is not necessary. You can eat vegetables to enjoy the same benefits, and vegetables are highly recommended for breastfeeding and pregnancy.

At the same time, it is safe to take liquid chlorophyll in any condition unless you are allergic to it or your body is reacting aggressively. In most cases, you’ll waste your money since liquid chlorophyll works the same way as vegetables, maybe you’ll get extra benefits, but they are not worth it.

There are scenarios where liquid chlorophyll is more beneficial. If your body cannot get proper benefits from eating vegetables, then you’ll require an additional dose of chlorophyll. If you are scared it might affect your baby, take it with water to reduce its overall effects. Typically, liquid chlorophyll is harmless, so the chances are that it won’t affect your baby’s health—however, there is no need to take chances. If you have a weak body, liquid chlorophyll can affect your baby.

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What Are the Benefits of Chlorophyll?

Here are some potential benefits of taking chlorophyll. It doesn’t matter if you eat vegetables or use liquid chlorophyll; you’ll enjoy these benefits. The only thing to watch out for is any extreme reaction your body causes while taking liquid chlorophyll. Vegetables have a meager amount, so they won’t cause any issues.

Skin Healing

Now, remember that these benefits won’t appear quickly. They’ll take time, and sometimes you’ll have to wait months before seeing any progress. Certain vegetables affect your skin, making it less oily, keeping it fresh and helping kills bacteria for healthier skin. Liquid chlorophyll does the same in less time; however, you should not use it unless the vegetables do not affect your body.

Chlorophyll can help reduce inflammation and stops bacteria growth in skin wounds. It can also help reduce acne symptoms or large pores due to any reason. However, these benefits are only available if you use liquid chlorophyll for more than three weeks. On the other hand, keep using chlorophyll for up to eight weeks, which can help heal sun-damaged skin.

Blood Builder

Some studies have mentioned that chlorophyll can help improve red blood cell quality, leading to blood building. Some studies have claimed that people with thalassemia required fewer blood transfusions, and after using chlorophyll for prolonged usage, the number of transfusions reduced to 70%. The only complication is that the studies didn’t conclude that chlorophyll was the main reason behind fewer transfusions.

Weight Loss

Ever wonder why most professionals suggest eating vegetables to stop weight gain? It is because of chlorophyll, however, under controlled dosage. Taking excessive oral chlorophyll can drastically reduce your weight, which can cause health problems. One scientific research back this fact to show the progress of weight loss in different females.

Thirty-eight females took part in this experiment. The ones taking chlorophyll via a green plant membrane supplement showed more significant weight loss than those on a regular diet.

On the other hand, this research also shared that chlorophyll can help control cholesterol levels, but researchers weren’t sure about this.

A Natural Deodorant

This might not be an important benefit, but chlorophyll can reduce trimethylamines (a major cause of fishy odor in the body). The best part is that it starts working on your body within a week to eliminate the smell.

Risks Involve in Taking Chlorophyll

Naturally, chlorophyll is not harmful or toxic to anyone. Otherwise, vegetarians would always have been in the worst conditions. However, some risks are involved in taking Chlorophyll for a prolonged time. If you use liquid chlorophyll for a particular problem, you should stop taking it once the problem is solved. Many people make a mistake and keep taking chlorophyll, which leads to the following side effects:

  • Digestive problems
  • Diarrhea
  • Green, yellow, or black stool, can be mistaken for gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Itching or burning when applied topically

All the side effects are not severe; they’ll go away within a few days after quitting chlorophyll. However, for a breastfeeding lady, such side effects are pretty irritating. You are already going through a lot and getting more pain. It is not something you can tolerate easily.

Worse, there are no scientific studies to claim how chlorophyll will act on breastfeeding ladies. Since no organization will allow tests on such scales, taking chlorophyll in lower amounts won’t affect the baby at all.

Natural vs Chlorophyll Supplements

For better results, it is recommended that you eat vegetables with a high amount of chlorophyll. They won’t cause any issues, and vegetables are great for your stomach health. However, if vegetables are not working as they should be, it is time to switch to a chlorophyll supplement.

Tons of such supplements are available in the market, but you must check their ingredient list before purchasing. Ensure they don’t have any possible allergens or other ingredients that might trigger a reaction in breastfeeding ladies.

Remember, your body is already undergoing many changes during your postpartum period, so it is better to stick to vegetables to get the necessary chlorophyll. You should only use liquid chlorophyll or its supplements if your doctor prescribes it to get rid of some issues quickly.

Final Words

Can you take chlorophyll while breastfeeding? It depends; liquid chlorophyll should be avoided until it is really necessary. Stick to fruits and vegetables if you want to enjoy the benefits of chlorophyll without facing any side effects.

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