Does sushi pose a risk to a breastfeeding mother? Despite the fact that you can eat sushi again after having a baby, you’ll have to be cautious about what you consume while breastfeeding your baby. We understand that after nine months of sharing your body, you might need your freedom back. However, there is a list of food,activities, and procedures that you won’t be able to do while breastfeeding your baby.

For mothers who missed sushi while pregnant, they may question whether they can resume eating sushi while nursing. The good news is that sushi is safe to eat again after you’ve had your baby. You’ll still have to be cautious about the sushi you eat if you’re nursing.

Sushi and Breastfeeding 

Pregnant women should not consume sushi, or any raw fish or seafood, for that matter. When pregnant women eat raw fish, they are putting their unborn children at risk of contracting diseases from germs, viruses, and parasites. Listeria is the most worrisome of these pathogens because it may enter a mother’s bloodstream and infect her unborn child. Listeria infection is 10-20 times more likely to strike a pregnant woman than any other adult. If left untreated, a listeria infection may have life-threatening consequences for an unborn child.

However, after you’ve given birth, there is no danger of passing listeria to your kid. This is due to the fact that listeria is not transmissible through breastmilk.

As a result, you may enjoy sushi once again while breastfeeding. Raw fish and shellfish of all kinds may now be eaten without fear of contamination.

However, although sushi is generally safe to eat while nursing, there are several varieties of sushi that you should avoid.

Mercury may be transmitted via breast milk by eating certain kinds of seafood. Moreover, infants with elevated mercury levels are at risk. When a newborn is exposed to too much mercury, it may disrupt their fast developing brain and neurological system, which can have a detrimental impact on their development and growth.

Mercury levels in certain fish are substantially greater than in others. Furthermore, the amount of mercury in fish is unaffected by whether it is cooked or eaten raw since the mercury accumulates in the flesh over time.

You should avoid the following kinds of fish :

  • King mackerel.
  • Swordfish, orange roughy, and marlin sharks
  • Tuna with a large eye
  • The Gulf of Mexico’s tilefish

These fish should be avoided if you’re eating sushi. You may also ask the restaurant staff if you have any queries.

Having Sushi in Safe Places

If you want to eat fish or seafood that has less mercury in it, feel free to do so as sushi or in any other manner you choose. The advantages of consuming low-mercury seafood exceed the hazards for nursing mothers and their infants. Lactating women should consume 8-12 ounces of low-mercury fish each week, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) (or about 2-3 servings of these fish per week).

Among the nutrients found in fish include protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial to nursing mothers. Fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which may improve cognitive function in children. 

Eating raw fish during breast-feeding raises additional safety risks. Avoid food poisoning from raw fish that hasn’t been handled correctly. Anyone, even nursing mothers, may become ill from eating inadequately handled raw fish. Of course, having a stomach ache or a fever while caring for a newborn is the last thing you need. As a result, you should only eat sushi that has been cooked with care and is thus guaranteed to be fresh.

Consider eating at establishments with a reputation for securing only the freshest, highest-quality seafood. Talk to someone from the staff if you have any concerns about how they prepared seafood or where it comes from. Cooked sushi produced with low-mercury fish is an additional option for those concerned about mercury exposure. Even if you’re allergic to raw fish, you can still enjoy sushi! If you’d prefer not to consume raw fish but still want sushi, inquire with the staff about the availability of cooked sushi.

Everything You Need to Know as a Breastfeeding Mother

Sushi is safe to eat while nursing, so go ahead and indulge! To be safe, avoid sushi that has high levels of mercury. Instead, choose mercury-free fish.

To minimize your chance of becoming sick, always eat at sushi places that utilize fresh, high-quality fish and adhere to strict food safety procedures. Rather than risking your health by eating raw fish, go for prepared sushi alternatives manufactured with low mercury seafood.

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