Pepto is a liquid medicine that most people use to get rid of Diarrhea, nausea, or heartburn. While it is a great option to get rid of these common issues, it might become a hindrance while breastfeeding. While pregnant or breastfeeding, women experience upset stomach, gas or feel exceptionally full after eating a little. Pepto can help relieve these issues, but can you take Pepto while breastfeeding, and will it affect the child’s health? Let’s find out.

Is Pepto Safe While Breastfeeding?

There is no accurate answer to such a thing. Despite Pepto being an over-the-counter medicine, we still need to discuss its safety. Some reports suggest that you should stop taking Pepto when you are close to delivery because it can increase the risk of bleeding problems. However, there is no solid proof of how Pepto reacts when you take it during breastfeeding time. There is no clinical proof of whether it mixes with breast milk or not, so there is no authentic proof that it will be harmful to the baby.

The best way to use Pepto is to consult your doctor; if they allow you to use it, you should use it as little as possible. Here is one reason why there are no proper answers to whether Pepto is safe or not while breastfeeding.

  • Little Research

Pepto’s main ingredient is subsalicylate, a bismuth salt of salicylic acid. There is no research on this ingredient to show how it can affect your health while breastfeeding. Also, it is unethical to test drugs on women during pregnancy or breastfeeding, so there won’t be definite proof of Pepto’s side effects. The only thing that can be done is to ask ladies about Pepto and its use, which will with different answers without a solid conclusion.

What Are the Risks?

While there are no documented risks of taking Pepto during breastfeeding, some people have complained about Reye’s syndrome in children. Such a condition causes the brain to swell and puts the children in danger. However, it happened in so rare cases that many doctors liked this problem for other reasons like the mother’s issues. At the same time, delivery or a premature delivery leads to the baby staying in an incubator for some time.

Some other risks associated with using Pepto are:

  •  a black, hairy appearance to the tongue
  • black stool
  • internal bleeding
  • constipation

But you must remember that these are quite rare cases; the best would be to consult your doctor and get professional medical advice.

The effects mentioned above are temporary and will go away in a few days, but anything that happens to your child won’t go away easily. On the other hand, if you experience such side effects, it is better to stop using the medicine and contact your doctor immediately.

Benefits of Pepto

The best thing about Pepto is that you don’t need any prescription to use it. If you have minor stomach issues like gas, diarrhea, or constipation, this medicine can be of great help. On the other hand, it can also help relieve heartburn and empty your stomach if you feel overfull after eating.

Feeling excessively full can lead to the urge to vomit, which never happens since your body is just feeling full. Pepto can get rid of all the gas beneath the food, leading to a big burb, and you’ll feel light and ready to eat again.

This medicine is to be used when you feel any of these symptoms; you should not use it causally for no reason at all. This medicine has no side effects, but taking it without any reason can bring some irritating effects that you might not like.

In some cases, Pepto can help treat infections caused by bacteria, but that only works if your doctor prescribes it. There is no need to treat bacterial infections using Pepto if you don’t know anything about them.

You can also use Pepto for its antibacterial effects, especially if you travel to a new area fearing its bacteria might infect your stomach. But remember to use it only if you get any feelings of that bacteria messing up your stomach. Since this is an over-the-counter drug, you can find it in any medical store. 

Does Pepto Interact With Other Medicines?

Pepto interacts with many other medicines that doctors mostly prescribe while you are breastfeeding. It can also cause ear ringing, but such cases are also rare. Pepto can interact with medicines like blood thinners, diabetes medications, gout medications, etc. It would be better to check with your doctor if Pepto interacts with your medicines; otherwise, such medicines can bring adverse side effects. On the other hand, we recommend that you ask your doctor first about the side effects of using Pepto with other medicines. They can guide you properly about the medicine, how to take it with other medicines and what to do if you feel any side effects.

Pepto is not a harmful medicine, but your child’s safety is most important, so it is better to avoid this and use alternatives that won’t contain subsalicylate.

Pepto Alternatives

Many Pepto alternatives are available, but your doctor will most likely recommend  Imodium or Maalox Anti Diarrheal instead of Pepto. These drugs are safe to take during breastfeeding, but we recommend that you consult their details with your doctor before using them.

On the other hand, you can use natural remedies to treat problems like gas or nausea since they are not as irritating as diarrhea. Chest burns will go away after a glass of cold milk, and you can avoid using spicy foods to get rid of this issue. Keep your diet simple, and you won’t need to use Pepto or other medicines for any purpose.

Final Words

Can you take Pepto while breastfeeding? The effects of Pepto on a breastfeeding child are unknown, but to be on the safer side, a mother should not use Pepto, but look for its safe alternatives. Talk to your doctor and see what they offer instead of Pepto to cure your stomach issues.

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